by Gary M. Gatien and Jose-Marie Griffiths // Vision
The rapid rise of distance learning via the Internet has led to "predictions of doom" about the future of traditional universities. But in this month's Vision article, Jose-Marie Griffiths and Gary Gatien maintain that such prophecies may be premature; in the flourishing world of distance education, traditional research universities may well prove a force to reckon with if they successfully adapt their curricula to the new media.
by Nancy Sulla // Commentary
In this month's Commentary, Nancy Sulla looks at the incorporation of technology into education and argues that we ought to be not merely using computers, but working to infuse them into the learning process.
by Stephen Kessell // Faculty and Staff Development
Stephen Kessell describes his work instructing educators in Western Australia via the World Wide Web and relates their feelings on the subject. Why teach over the Web? What segments of the class were most useful? What developmental issues need to be addressed in creating such a class? Kessell shares his experience in our Faculty and Staff Development section.
by Russell Hunt and Robert Lewis // Case Studies
In this month's Case Study, Robert Lewis and Russ Hunt offer their experience with using course listservs to actively engage students, arguing that the ideal course list is similar to improvisational theater. They illustrate how instructors can play various roles as editors, prompters, game show hosts, or producers
Spotlight Site
The Spotlight Site for February is EDUCAUSE, the site formed from the recent merger of CAUSE and Educom. In this well-designed and informative site you can find information on technology implementation in many aspects of education, from instruction to administration. With concise and interesting articles and strong discussion groups, this site is an excellent resource for those involved in any facet of the educational experience.
by Joseph Moxley // Letters to the Editor
In this month's first Letter to the Editor, Joseph Moxley invites readers to participate in a virtual discussion on the values of MOOs for education
by Mary Ellen Nourse // Letters to the Editor
In her Letter to the Editor, Mary Ellen Nourse offers information on the newly-formed World Association for Online Education
by Nancy Levenburg // Letters to the Editor
In this month's third Letter to the Editor, Nancy Levenburg responds to Paul Shrivastava's letter on the seeming paradox between the enthusiasm towards online education and the lukewarm enrollment such programs inspire.