by William R. Klemm // Vision
In this month's Vision article, William R. Klemm considers the possibilitiesand limitsof distance education for universities. With the growing popularity of distance education among faculty and students, what are the financial implications for the university? What are the implications for the quality of teaching?
by Howard Major and Nancy Levenburg // Commentary
In this month's Commentary, Howard Major and Nancy Levenburg advance a "shared responsibility model" for learner success in distance education environments and offer suggestions for creative learner-focused distance education.
by Dennis Govoni and Sally Ride // Case Studies
In this month's Case Study, Dennis Govoni and astronaut Sally Ride explain the new EarthKAM system, which allows earth-bound students to access, via the Internet, a camera mounted on a space shuttle window.
by Mark Northover // Faculty and Staff Development
In our Faculty and Staff Development section for January, Mark Northover considers the importance of assessing technological capabilities among university faculty and staff. Are our human resources being upgraded at the same pace at which we upgrade our technological resources?
Spotlight Site
The Site of the Month for January is "The Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN)", an interactive site devoted to education on the Internet. The site offers two online journals, workshops, and discussion forums.
by Paul Shrivastava // Letters to the Editor
In this month's Letter to the Editor, Paul Shrivastava puzzles over the discrepancy between the boom in interest in online learning among educators and its lukewarm reception among learners. What must we do to reconcile this difference?