by Lawrence Stedman // Vision
Our Vision article comes to us from Lawrence Stedman, who discusses the findings of a survey undertaken by the Australian government that analyzes the growing relationships between major media corporations and universities. Stedman summarizes the data gathered by this survey, provides some analysis of these results, and speculates about future developments in light of this information.
by Mihkel Pilv // Commentary
Mihkel Pilv writes our Commentary for this month, bringing his Estonian perspective to bear on the pending Internet2 project (which was discussed both in this forum and in our sister publication, On the Horizon). He imagines himself alternately in the role of scientist, student, and businessman, discussing the ways in which each of these "selves" could benefit from Internet2.
by Steven Kreis // Faculty and Staff Development
Leading off our new Faculty and Staff Development section is Steven Kreis, who brings us an article about a Web site he has developed called The History Guide. Kreis discusses the features and benefits of this site in his own instruction, as well as the general utility of such sites, both for individual educators and for whole departments, and argues that faculty development programs should encourage faculty members to personalize their instruction by incorporating personal details on their instructional Web sites.
by Stephen C. Ehrmann // Case Studies
This month's Case Studies article looks at the Flashlight Project, a recently-launched operation that seeks to develop better tools for measuring the effects of technology on educational improvement. Stephen Ehrmann, director of this ambitious undertaking, provides a full description of the philosophy behind Flashlight, as well as an outline of the structural features already in place.
Spotlight Site
The Spotlight Site for July is EdWeb, a creation of Andy Carvin, a multitalented Web designer and a program officer with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This site, a self-styled "hyperbook," presents visitors with an introduction to educational and technological concepts with which they may not be familiar, and for more experienced users, contains a large store of interesting, useful, and well-documented data concerning technology in schools.
by Stephen C. Ehrmann // Letters to the Editor
July also brings our new Letters to the Editor section. We encourage all our readers to participate by mailing us with your comments and suggestions. This month we debut with letters from Stephen Ehrmann, Gary Brown, and Glenn Ralston who write in response to Ed Neal's article in our June issue.
by Gary Brown // Letters to the Editor
Stephen Ehrmann, Gary Brown, and Glenn Ralston write in response to Ed Neal's earlier article.
by Glenn Ralston // Letters to the Editor
July also brings our new Letters to the Editor section. We encourage all our readers to participate by mailing us with your comments and suggestions. This month we debut with letters from Stephen Ehrmann, Gary Brown, and Glenn Ralston who write in response to Ed Neal's article in our June issue.