John McBride is the department head for chemistry and physics at Northwest Vista College (NVC) in San Antonio, and has been presenting chemistry online for over five years. He served as a consultant for the development of distance learning tools for chemistry and physics for Archipelago Productions and founded Distance Learning Associates, an association of instructors for teaching chemistry and physics online. For the past three years, he has been at the forefront of integrating chemistry courses into the WebCT administration template and has been a trainer for WebCT for the Alamo Community College District. Recently, McBride consulted with a private Australian college in optimizing the use of WebCT in their online education program. His background includes several years of teaching high school and working with high school students before pursuing his PhD in analytical chemistry at Texas A&M University. He also has degrees from Wheaton College and the University of Texas at Dallas in science education. Before taking charge of the fledgling department at NVC, McBride served as a professor of analytical chemistry at Hofstra University in New York for six years. It was there that he began working in distance education as a member of the Hofstra initiative to integrate technology in teaching, the Pioneer Program. McBride now is working on new projects including a virtual online chemistry laboratory, a virtual computer physics lab, and setting up online physics classes for students in China and Australia.
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