David B. Gowler is Pierce professor of religion at Oxford College of Emory University. He was previously an associate professor of religion and philosophy and assistant dean for Academic Affairs at Chowan College. He came to Chowan in 1990 as assistant professor of religion and philosophy. He was director of the Writing Across the Curriculum program before being named assistant dean for Academic Affairs in 1996. He also served as director of Chowan's Global Education program.
Gowler is the author of two books, the editor of five others, and has written numerous articles, notes, papers, and book reviews. He has served as associate editor of Emory Studies in Early Christianity since 1991.
Gowler earned his PhD in New Testament studies, and his research interests include ancient Jewish, Greek, and Roman history, literature, and culture; literary theory; social-scientific criticism; and the thought and writings of the philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin.
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